Rachel on guitar, Meg MacCallum singing, Ash on drums, with Oz Harvest(?)'s vacuum-cleaner-man;)
(if anyone knows his name, please let me know. Thanks to Meg for giving me Rachel's)
This will probably be hidden behind the piano for the most part
Above are Steve(or his back anyway), Kevin, Kathleen, Ross of Mosman, and Barry, among others in the kitchen(again, I could do with help with names)
In the roof/sky, yet to emerge, more Oz Harvest people and box-carrying volunteers.
Today I've finished with Turpsy underpaint(whoo-hoo), now I move on to the medium and finishing everything - in a slight panic soon as deadline approaches.
And if anyone thinks someone important has missed out and should be included(yourself, even), let me know soon, as the available area/gaps will be starting to run out
So here's a mugshot to celebrate