Friday, November 30, 2012

credits and thankyous

Thanks to everyone involved for their trust in me as I took their pictures and sometimes bossed them around.

Happy Pappy - first suggested this to me

Skip - Caravaggio

Grace Woods - made the connections, and some excellent suggestions

Pastor Brian Unterrheiner and the Mission for the opportunity and budget and unwavering support through the long process

 Bob Cooney  wall preparation - plastering and painting including supplying the materials

Hilary Latta - painted fish in the painting to match the ones she painted in the real hall

Hilary Latta - sandwich arrangement

Benny - assistance with underpainting

Madeleine and the paint sisters[names] - paint mixing class

Steve Jarman - cups of tea - "you're being very naughty"

John O'Driscoll
Roscoe Burke
Hilary Latta

Cast for Last Supper panel

Bartholemew - Roscoe Burke
James the Lesser-Hilary Latta
Andrew -  John
Judas -  John O'Driscoll
Peter - Sue
John - Grace Woods
Jesus - Byron
Thomas  - Nick
James the greater - Uncle James
Philip - Scotty
Matthew -Garth
Jude Thaddeus - Paul
Simon the zealot - Steve the coffee fanatic

Thanks to all the volunteers, as well

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